Giuseppe Monetti |
Author |
Italian |
Language |
Gnocchi |
Published by |
69 |
Pages |
109 |
Images |
88-7947-068-X |
Nowadays, the musculo-skeletal-tendineous-articular apparatus
can be considered a real battle field where imaging techniques
fight for supremacy.
From traditional radiology, to Computerized Tomology, to MRI,
the diagnostic panorama offers a number of different approaches,
some of them overlap and some are complementary.
The wide interest we witness today for integrated diagnostic
is pointed out by the number of publishing initiatives coming
out every day: from specialized magazines to informative bulletins.
Ultrasound sonography is present in this medical and diagnostic
field, as could be, if I may, a salad dressing that could
go with any vegetable available in the kitchen!
But the role of sonography does really have a diagnostic utility?
Or is it only a fashionable and temporary tool?
No doubts that in the fields of musculo-tendinous and osteo-articular
diagnostics the competence of the operator has to be optimal.
A good experience is needed, especially if it has grown in
areas that allow the testing and comparing the images with
the real anatomy, which can also stimulate a growth in the
personal sensitivity of the operator.
Who better than the fellow colleague Monetti could have the
right stimulus to put into written words his overload of experience?
It has been years since he started his commitment with this
specific subject, and he is one of the few authors who really
believe in the actual potential of ultrasound sonography in
this delicate field.
His text shows in a concise way the different perspectives
of Ultrasound.
For the "believers" is a good text book, for the
skeptics a good mean to change their minds.
Read to believe!
Prof Massimo Bazzocchi
Radiology Chair
University of Udine

- Tools and exams technique
- Traumatic muscular pathology
- Degenerative muscular pathology
- Neuro-muscular pathologies
- Neoplastic muscular pathology
- Tendons